Ripon Garden Club
The Ripon Garden Club was first created in 1954 with the goal of protecting native plants and insects, to encourage civic beauty, and further educate the community about the environment. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Coming is 2025
Memorial Rose Garden
In honor of our membership and inspired by our member, Penny Smith, a Memorial Rose Garden has been designed and approved by the City of Ripon. The garden will be installed at Mavis Stouffer Park in Ripon California. We will have four planting beds with red, pink, yellow and variegated roses.
Adjacent to the Stouffer Meeting Room, the garden will create a picture perfect arbor overlooking the oaks in the park. Great for individual and group pictures. To enhance your enjoyment we are refreshing the camellia garden which was originally planted in 1998. Visit the site for updates or take a stroll in the park to see our progress. Official opening in April 2025.
Club Projects
Club Projects

Butterfly Garden
Butterfly Garden
The Ripon Garden Club is working to save the declining butterfly population through the careful creation of a butterfly garden located in Mavis Stouffer Park, 1000 Stouffer Street, Ripon, California. Please visit the garden today. Donations to help maintain the garden are gratefully accepted. Ripon Garden Club, P.O. Box 1184, Ripon, CA 95366. Please designate your donation to the Butterfly Garden. Thank you!
Visit the Garden Today
Visit the Garden Today

Construction complete!"
Construction complete!"
Downtown Ripon Civic Beautification
Members of the Ripon Garden Club plant and maintain the numerous large planters located along city streets in downtown Ripon. There are currently 85 planters lining Main Street.

School Gardens
School Gardens
This project is to encourage gardening at an early age. Garden Club members and volunteers work with each of the six elementary schools in Ripon to plant and maintain age appropriate gardens. Teachers work to integrate curriculum with the hands-on activities.
Us Forest Service Penny Pines
Us Forest Service Penny Pines
The Penny Pines Program was established in 1941 by the U.S. Forest Service to replace damaged and/or burned forest areas. A minimum donation of $68.00 purchases about 350 seedlings, which cover an acre, also known as a plantation.
- Plantations Ordered: To date the Ripon Garden Club has purchased 300+ plantations either in honor or in memory of someone.
- Plantation Purchase: Members can also individually purchase a plantation. Contact Carolyn Jensen or Jeanne Latino at the meeting for an application and donation process or email RiponGardenClub@gmail.com for additional information
- Monthly Donation: Each month a colorful bag is placed on each table at our meetings to collect donations to the Penny Pines Fund.

Arbor Day
Arbor Day
March 7, 2025 Oklahoma RedBud Tree was dedicated at the Ripon Cemetery. Music, laughter with members of Ripon Garden Club, City of Ripon, Cemetery Staff and family and guest viewed the newly planted tree. Linda King, RGC President, formally dedicated the RGC donation of this wonderful tree/