Ripon Garden Club
The Ripon Garden Club was first created in 1954 with the goal of protecting native plants and insects, to encourage civic beauty, and further educate the community about the environment. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
2024 Scholarships Awarded
Ripon Garden Club awarded four $2,000 scholarships in June 2024.

Dawson Donich
Ripon High School
College: CSU - Fresno

Grace Van Laar
Ripon Christian High School
College: Oklahoma State Unv.

Mackenzie Hoekstra
Ripon Christian High School
College: Oklahoma State Univ.

Maryn Brenner
Ripon High School
College: CSU-Fresno
Scholarship Information
2025 Deadline for Scholarship Packet is April 14, 2025
Information Revised July 11, 2024

The Ripon Garden Club (RGC) Scholarship supports graduating high school seniors who will be attending an accredited two-year or four-year college or university after graduation. The RGC is interested in promoting the studies of Plants, Animals, Birds, Fish, and our Environment.
This application and information supersedes any form and /or application prior to June 1, 2023
Amount: $2,000 one time award
Acceptable Fields: Applicants must be planning to study in the following fields:
Agricultural Studies, including Viticulture and Enology
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Avian Science
Biology:Plant, Animal, Avian, or Fish
Conservation Studies
Earth Sciences, including Geology, Forest, Watershed and Wildlife Science
Ecology/Environmental Sciences
Geology, including Soil Science and Water Science
Landscape Studies, including Landscape Architecture and Restoration
Marine Science/Oceanography
Plant Science, including Forestry and Rangeland Resources
Academic Requirements: Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
Scholarship Application Packet: The Packet consists of five parts:
Part 1: Application Form, which is attached
Part 2: Official High School Transcripts
Part 3: Letters of Recommendation; 4) Personal Letter
Paet 5: List of Activities
All information requested on the Form, including applicant’s last four digits of the social security number, and the name and full address of the college financial aid officer must be given. The college financial aid officer will distribute the scholarship money as needed for books or tuition. Scholarship money will be released upon student acceptance to College.
All Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time* student carrying 12 or more units. *Full-time status is determined by college or university.
The Application Form may be handwritten or typed. All other materials must be typed.
Completed Application Packets will be picked up at the front desk of high school by the end of the school day on Monday, April 14, 2025, 3 PM by a member of RGC Scholarship Committee.
Scholarship winners will be notified in May of the scholarship year.
Questions? Contact RiponGardenClub@gmail.com
2025 Ripon Garden Club Application Deadline is April 14, 2024 3PM
Using ADOBE you can complete on screen, print, sign and return.